21 The Universe


Vibration of Peace and Expansion

People born on the 21st of any month


This is the vibration of globalization, world peace, and expansion of consciousness. People of this vibration are natural-born peacemakers and diplomats with a remarkable ability to think outside the box, resolve conflicts, and find solutions to global problems. From an early age, they trust life to guide and protect them, while rarely setting any limits on what they think they can achieve.


People of the 21st vibration want to bring more love and kindness into the world. With their hearts wide open, they pray for peace, happiness, and healing for all humanity. They have the potential to become powerful leaders as long as they can find the courage to channel all of their positive energy into tasks and projects on a global scale. These people live in a world without borders. They can easily travel to any country, quickly learn foreign languages, and feel at home in any part of the world. They often marry a foreigner and have multiple children. Many choose professions or activities connected with world travel.

People of the 21st vibration possess remarkable extrasensory perception and can heal others with their energy. They have the ability to channel information directly from a higher source and when they meditate, they can easily reach altered states of consciousness and expand their minds to the far reaches of the universe.

One of their unique gifts is the ability to pray for others. For instance, if a person of the 21st vibration sets out to work on a global humanitarian project while also praying for peace, health, and welfare of the people involved, the project gains extraordinary power and momentum.


Negative characteristics of the 21st vibration include narrow-mindedness, patterned thinking, routine, judgement, and bigotry. The further the vibration drops into the negative zone, the more aggressive and intolerant a person becomes toward other cultures, religions, governments, and people in general. Another negative aspect of this vibration is a lack of patience. When trapped in a deep negative state, the individual’s uncontrollable demand for instant gratification may push them into a debt spiral and cause their first marriage to end in a divorce.


People of the 21st vibration make excellent diplomats, interpreters, travel agents, guides, journalists, peacekeepers, organizers of international festivals and conferences, economists, financial advisers, energy healers, spiritual teachers, life coaches, and specialists in global information networks.
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