14 Art


Vibration of Art and Healing

People born on the 14th of any month


People of the 14th vibration are mature souls with a deep and rich inner world. They are very sensitive to people and events around them, possess powerful intuition and a very strong connection with higher realms. They enjoy beauty and nourish their souls with art and creativity. These people can boost their energy with dancing, painting, music, poetry, as well as by visiting theaters, museums, and concerts.


People of the 14th vibration are usually good at learning foreign languages, like to travel abroad, and maintain contacts in different parts of the world. They have a fairly diverse set of hobbies and interests, can easily carry conversations about many different topics, and their work usually involves some form of art. In addition, these people can become very successful in a variety of businesses and careers, as long as they treat them as an art.

When it comes to healing with natural remedies, these people possess an extraordinary gift. They know medicinal herbs and various methods of cleansing the body, enjoy self-experimentation, tend to lead healthy lifestyles, and observe moderation in food and other areas of their lives. Many also choose to strengthen their mind with fasting and meditation. When working or socializing, they always try to feel the other person’s soul and to understand their essence. They are connoisseurs of everything beautiful and enjoy things that are aesthetically pleasing.

Water serves as a natural healing substance for these people. They can really benefit from spending time by the water, participating in water activities, taking long baths, and drinking plenty of water during the day. When positive, people of the 14th vibration are very open and friendly, have a balanced personality and the soul of an angel.


In a negative state, 14th vibration manifests primarily as unwillingness to forgive and a tendency to hold grudges. Additional negative characteristics include hypersensitivity, vulnerability, self-blame, and self-pity. When the vibration recedes into the negative zone, the person becomes bitter and callous. They tend to shut off their feelings and emotions, forget about moderation, and become resentful. Their mindset changes and becomes more materialistic and primitive, often forcing them to seek escape through alcohol, drugs, gambling, and other means. In a deep negative state, a person may become rude and disorderly, lose their creative capacity, and engage in mundane, meaningless work.


People of the 14th vibration can become successful in psychology, energy healing, herbal medicine, massage therapy, homeopathy, perfumery, pharmaceuticals, as well as in most creative professions. They make great writers, poets, philosophers, and music composers. You will also find many of these people working in health centers, resorts, and spas. They can achieve great financial success in a variety of fields, as long as they view their work and business as an art.
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