Unfortunately, there is quite a sinister side to this vibration. When people of the 12th vibration constantly sacrifice themselves while serving others, they become casualties of their own good intentions. Their vibration turns negative, causing feelings of resentment, vulnerability, and bitterness. In this state, a person begins to develop victim mentality and becomes angry and disappointed with others. For every victim, there must be a villain and in this case the villain role is often played by the same people whom the person was helping.
If this is your vibration, you need to remember to maintain healthy boundaries and never ignore your own needs while helping others. Keep in mind that this vibration does not tolerate sacrifice. In serving others, you must always honor and reward yourself by accepting money or other forms of gratitude to avoid karmic retribution.
In a deep negative state, 12th vibration can cause loneliness, chronic depression, and serious physical illnesses. If a person continues to neglect themselves, their vibration can plunge them into a state of panic and trigger a nervous breakdown. Also, people of the 12th vibration should stay away from alcohol, drugs, and other substances due to a high risk of developing addiction.